What are cockroaches?
Cockroaches can be identified by their flattened, oval-shaped bodies, six legs that are covered in spines, and long antennae that are about the same length as their bodies. They are primitive insects and their ability to quickly adapt to any environment allows cockroaches to thrive in almost any indoor or outdoor environment. Outside, cockroaches are beneficial to nature and help to recycle decaying plants. However, when they find their way into our homes and commercial properties, cockroaches quickly turn from helpful to harmful. They are major pests in homes, hospitals, food processing facilities, restaurants, and more.

Some of the most common species of cockroaches living throughout our Ventura County area include the following:
American cockroach
These are the largest home-infesting cockroaches throughout the United States. Adults grow to between 1/4 and 2-1/8 inches in length and their bodies are reddish-brown in color with a yellowish pattern on their backs that resembles a figure-8. While they sometimes move inside to feed and nest, American cockroaches prefer to live outside.
Brown-banded cockroach
These cockroaches have bodies that are dark brown with lighter brown-colored bands running across them. Males have fully developed wings but females do not. Unlike most species that prefer a humid environment, brown-banded cockroaches prefer to live in dry, warm locations.
German cockroach
These cockroaches are identified by the dark, parallel stripes located on their backs behind their heads. Their bodies are light brown to tan in color. German cockroaches prefer to live indoors and are even capable of flying, although they rarely do.
Oriental cockroach
This species of cockroaches is commonly referred to as “water bugs” because they prefer to live in or near extremely damp conditions. Oriental cockroaches are shiny and black to maroon in color. Females are wingless and although males do have wings, they can't fly.
Smokey brown cockroach
Although closely related to the American cockroach, Smokey brown cockroaches can be identified by their mahogany color and dark, shiny thoraxes. They are a little over an inch in length and have wings that are longer than their bodies, allowing them to be strong fliers. Smokey brown cockroaches are highly attracted to interior and exterior lights.